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19:49 14-07-2002 / Olya, обратиться

What do you think about procedure called ablation. I want to have it done tohelp me with arrythmia(PACs) and occasional tachicardia. Other than a small mitral valve prolapse and the above I have no complaints. HAd all the tests done and everything is normal. Worn event mornitor to record palpitations. I am 25 years old, do not smoke or drink. Take 25 mg of atenolol a day for palpitaitons. What do you think about ablation in my case?
I am going to talk to my cardiologist on Thursday about having it done. Are there certain parameters by which they chose to do it or not. I really want all of Pacs and rapid beat stopped for good. Also, are there some medications that I can combine besides Atenolol to improve my symptoms. Please specify any medications available in English, so I can ask my physician here.




Внимание! Имена специалистов пишутся красным шрифтом со ссылкой на их профиль. Остерегайтесь мошенников, не высылайте никому деньги!

# 21:58 17-07-2002 Мацкеплишвили С.Т., обратиться
Ablation has very certain and well defined indications that should be explained to you by your physycian. The presence of PACs and elevated heart rate could be managed by medical therapy very effectively. Don't forget to check the blood thyroid hormones and TSH concentration.
# 23:08 10-12-2002 Palask@Hotmail, обратиться
please send me information abot hair plantaz
any spicail surgon
# 23:08 10-12-2002 Palask@Hotmail.…, обратиться
please send me information abot hair plantaz
any spicail surgon
# 23:08 10-12-2002 Palask@Hotmail.…, обратиться
please send me information abot hair plantaz
any spicail surgon



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