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14:09 30-07-2009 / Katya, обратиться

Good morning, Mr. T**** ! I have seen you and was delighted. I waited for you. I know аnd have guessed who SHE and I wish to ask as SHE? You tell only 2 words : yes or not. As I have understood, it is secret! I come into conference and I search for it. I very much worry. Thanks.


Внимание! Имена специалистов пишутся красным шрифтом со ссылкой на их профиль. Остерегайтесь мошенников, не высылайте никому деньги!

# 14:22 30-07-2009 Егоров Илья Вадимович, обратиться
Yes, that is SHE. And she feels awful. But i don't want to develop this theme here, as had happened once.
# 14:36 30-07-2009 T****, обратиться
it is quite reasonable to ask me about it.. but I'm sorry I will keep all the info in secret. She trusted me and I have no professional or personal right to pass her secret to the others..If you have smth in your mind, pls keep it also in may only pray and wish her coming back soon..Thank you very much for your misericordia and understanding..
# 14:37 30-07-2009 Katya, обратиться
Егоров Илья Вадимович, Thanks, I have understood that it is a secret. I will pray for SHE.
# 05:44 31-07-2009 I**, обратиться
thanks you very much .You know about me and let's it will be our small secret. Give you and I will trust in miracles together. And if you do not find me at conference you should believe that I will return again.
The belief is important for you and for me because God is in our soul!



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