Dear dr. Simon,
Thanks for your navigation. I'm doing fine though in the morning I still have to reinforce 40mg of IsoMak with 20 mg of the old tested Nitrosirbit.
I stick to your prescriptions starting my day with KOnkor, Izomak and Trental and ending it with Prestarium and Amplopidin. I wonder if the time comes when I enjoy 3- 5 'clear' or angina- free days in succession.
I'm taking two pills of IZOMAK- 40mg. They are in capsules so I can't make it 60mg a dose. My morning angina bouts, I presume, are caused by
my exposure to the cold air. and VSD reacts immediately. As to Dipyridomole I wonedr if we ever discussed it. Thanks for your optimism.
E. A.