Мне бы очень хотелось узнать, есть ли в Ст. Петербурге клиника, где маммография делается не обычным снимком, а цифровым методом? Я живу за границей, страховки нет, а подобная диагностика здесь очень дорогая. В ноябре я прилетаю в Питер. Буду очень благодарна за совет!
However, the main advantage of digital mammo-
grams, beyond the logistical, is that they open up
many more opportunities for improving the ability to
detect and diagnose breast cancer. Since a film image
is physically fixed to a piece of material (the film
base), there is little that can be done to manipulate it
after the film has been developed. The opposite is true
for a digital image. Since it resides in a computer,
there is virtually unlimited opportunity for exploring
novel approaches to using the X- ray information.
Digital breast tomosynthesis (DBT) is one technique
that has been developed because of the availability of
digital mammography. DBT will greatly improve the
ability to detect and diagnose breast cancer and it will
eliminate many of the ‘ false positive’ studies, which
cause so much anxiety among women.
Уменьшение количества ненужных биопсий(! ) а не операций(! ) возможно, многое зависит от опыта рентгенолога.