доктор, прокомментируйте пожалуйста оак: эритроциты- 4. 05, гемоглобин- 126, гематокрит- 30, mcv- 76, mch- 31. 1, mchc- 40. 9, rdw- 12. 9, mpv- 8. 7, соэ- 8, тромбоциты- 228, лейкоциты- 3. 4.
еще на вирусы: эпштейна- барра- 1: 40 и токсоплпзма- 331, 18
При наличии увеличенных лимфоузлов показана их биопсия.
Но для быстрого примера : У пациентов с Лимфомой Мозга и HIV в более 90% находятся признаки вируса.
"Probably many factors contribute to the development of a cancer, and often it's difficult to determine the causative factors. That said, the evidence connecting Epstein Barr virus (EBV) with some kinds of lymphoma is building. For example, there is a strong association between EBV an Burkitts lymphoma, but other factors may also be needed for a cancer to develop, such as suppressed immunity. Therefore, having an EBV- positive lymphoma may not always mean the lymphoma was caused by this virus. "
Это с сайта http: // www. lymphomation. org/ type- ebv. htm. Как будто про наш с вами разговор. Я ЗНАКОМ с литературой, и далеко не только с той, что есть в Инете. Вам кажется, что ответы на все вопросы уже известны. Но басурмане так не считают.
Early suggestions that EBV may be the etiologic agent came from studies showing an increased risk of HL in patients with a history of infectious mononucleosis (IM), and case control studies showing that patients with HL had elevated antibody titers against EBV antigens, which preceded the disease [16- 18] . In a population- based, case- control study, for example, 118 young adults (16 to 24 years of age) with HL were compared to 237 age, sex, and geographically matched controls; a prior history of IM was positively associated with HL (odds ratio [OR] 2. 43) and particularly with EBV- positive HL (OR 9. 16)
Further support for the relationship between IM and HL comes from a second population- based cohort study of individuals with IM in Denmark and Sweden [19] . The ratio of observed to expected numbers of Hodgkin lymphoma (the standardized incidence ratio, SIR) was 2. 55 (95 percent confidence interval (CI) 1. 9 to 3. 4). The risk of HL was highest in those who were 15 to 19 years old at the time of diagnosis of IM (SIR 7. 7), compared to 2. 6 for those 10 to 14 years old, and 5. 5 for those 20 to 29 years old at diagnosis. The SIR for HL remained elevated for up to 20 years after IM, but decreased with duration of time since acute infection; the highest risk period was 5 to 9 years after diagnosis.